How to Choose the Best Commercial Coin-Operated Washer and Dryer for Your Laundromat

Vended Laundromat Retool Houston 2 | How to Choose the Best Commercial Coin-Operated Washer and Dryer for Your Laundromat

When you’re operating a laundromat or on-premised laundry service, you want to ensure you have the best machines in your facility. For those who haven’t spent time researching the industry, it can be difficult to know which makes & models are even available to choose from – much less which are the best choices for their facilities. Here are some tips to help you choose the right coin-operated washer and dryer sets for your laundromat-& tell you where to find them

Ease of Use for Consumers

When outfitting your laundromat with equipment, you’ll need to ensure that your equipment is easy for customers to use. From practical coin action to simple, readable marking, operators of any age or level of experience can find the machinery easy to use.

Large Capacity Drums

Most laundromat customers come to the facility with a lot of laundry to do. Make their lives simpler and make the company the best in town by supplying machines with larger capacity to wash and dry drums.  This will allow for larger loads, quicker washing and drying times, and better energy efficiency as well as value for money for your consumers..

Speedy Cycles

No one likes sitting in a laundromat, no matter how nice it is. To abbreviate your customers’ stay, it is important to ensure that your machines work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Look for models that handle washing and drying in as few cycles as possible and do so without an extended wait.  Pro tip, consider adding a library or play area to promote a family environment.  It will get customers in and out and on with their day – and more customers in to provide you with more business once they’ve left! Wondering where you can purchase machines that fit all of these specifications? At Scott Equipment, we offer a wide selection of machines, with a focus on Dexter and Continental brand washers and dryers. With over a century of experience in the laundry business, these companies will give you the benefits you’re looking for – and your consumers the experience they need when doing business with you. Give Scott Equipment a call today for more information!