5 Tips to Choose the Best Commercial Laundry Equipment for Your Fire Station

Choosing the correct commercial laundry equipment for your fire station is an important task. You must keep your turnout gear clean to avoid putting anyone in danger. Did you know that mishandling unclean gear can put someone’s health at risk, pose a fire threat, and jeopardize firemen’s lives?   Clean turn-out gear and uniforms are essential for the safety and comfort of firefighters. Incorporating on-premise commercial laundry prevents exposure, lowers your fire station’s operating costs, and extends the life of your gear. Continue reading to learn how to pick the correct equipment for your fire station!

Compliance with NFPA Requirements

189372112 508588777148136 261964597218812803 nWhen purchasing laundry equipment for a fire station, it’s essential to double-check that the equipment meets NFPA regulations. The National Fire Protection Association mandates that firefighting equipment be cleaned according to strict guidelines. As new protective textiles are developed, these standards are revised on a regular basis. Scott Equipment’s washer-extractors meet or exceed the following NFPA washing requirements:

  • The machines must be front loading
  • They must have a maximum water temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Use a pH neutral cleaner 
  • Requires a 100 G-Force maximum,
  • Forced ventilation air


Another feature to look for in a washing machine is multiple programming selections. When it comes to washing turnout gear, there are a variety of cycles and settings that must be employed depending on the equipment. What has to be washed on one item may not be the same as what needs to be washed on another. When it comes to turnout gear, having a variety of cycles, water levels, and speeds are important. Our washer-extractors allow you to choose from different programmable cycles to wash various items according to NFPA personal protective equipment (PPE) cleaning standards.

Ease of Use 

This may go without saying, but in the case of commercial laundry equipment, ease of use is at the top of the priority list. When it comes to washing your gear, you want the programming and washing processes to be as simple as possible. When comparing the many possibilities for fire station laundry equipment, look for simple 1-2-3 steps. You need to be able to wash your turnout gear quickly, and having a washing machine for your fire station is useless if no one understands how to use it! Dexter, Continental Gibrau, and B&C Tech machines with easy programming options and dependable cleaning results are available at Scott Equipment. These washers also include automated chemical injection, decreasing the danger of damage to your equipment due to excessive detergent usage.

100G Force Maximum 

To go along with programming, we want to reiterate how important it is to be able to adjust the speed on your washing machine. With turnout gear, all water needs to be extracted but this has to happen at a slower speed. When water is extracted at a higher speed, it forces the water to go around the clothing instead of straight through. This can cause major damage to your turnout gear, so you have to make sure that you’re able to adjust the machine speed to a lower level to effectively and safely wash your gear.

Drying Cabinets

203507134 528463398494007 5417735364511565889 nWe have discussed commercial washers for your fire department so now let’s touch on dryers.  Commercial dryers are not suggested for turnout gear, therefore you should check into commercial drying cabinets instead. Circul Air PPE Express Commercial Drying Cabinets are designed specifically for drying turnout gear and other fragile textiles faster and more efficiently. With an industry-leading 10-year guarantee, we are not only confident in the longevity of our Gear Dryer, but we also stand behind it. The cabinets are completely NFPA 1851 certified, ensuring that your department’s gear is dried safely and in a timely manner. You should absolutely check at those cabinets for your fire station!

While there are a variety of commercial washers and dryers on the market, your crew requires a system that can clean equipment fast and effectively while also keeping it ready for emergency situations as they arise. Scott Equipment, as a major distributor of commercial laundry equipment for firefighters, can supply the best equipment for quick wash and dry times, as well as particular product characteristics that eliminate harmful chemicals and carcinogens.