10 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your On-Premise Laundry Equipment Running Smoothly

Looking to keep your commercial laundry equipment in top condition? Here are ten tips for maintaining your facility:

Make and Adhere to a Schedule

maintenance tips

Maintenance check list

Your cleaning should happen regularly – and on a set schedule. Making a schedule and sticking to it will help ensure that important cleaning and maintenance tasks get completed when they need to.

Inspect Frequently

Waiting for a problem to arise before inspecting can mean losing out on the opportunity to fix things before they escalate. Inspect regularly – and before you notice issues.

Document Everything You Find

What good is inspection if you aren’t writing down your findings? Document everything so that you can look back on and review it. This will make it easier to communicate your needs with a professional, too!

Get Familiar with Your Owner’s Manual

While reading an owner’s manual isn’t the most enjoyable way to pass time, it can be one of the most useful. Consult your owner’s manual for information about your machine and maintenance that will make upkeep easier.

Keep Things Clean

Your machines will run best when clean – and when the surrounding area is clean. Train your staff to clean frequently and keep the facility fresh around the clock.

Ensure Patrons are Leaving Washer Doors Open Between Uses

Leaving the door open between uses on your washer will keep mildew and mold from forming – and will also air out the interior to prevent foul odors that may build up over time.

Encourage Cleaning Lint Traps on Dryers

A dryer without a clean lint trap isn’t just inefficient. It is also a fire hazard. Hang signs or mount stickers on machines to ensure that patrons know to clean lint traps between each use.

Put Leak Detection Technology to Use

Today’s best machines may come equipped with technology that detects and alerts users to leaks. Put that technology to work for your facility.

Train for Better Use if Necessary

Think your employees could use training to ensure better use of your machinery? Invest in it – whether that means money or time – and realize more efficient use.

Know When It’s Time to Get Professional Help

Still need help? Contact the pros at Scott Equipment.  Not only do we offer the best equipment, we offer maintenance services to help you keep them working well! Give us a call today to learn more!