8 Tips For Laundromat Owners During COVID-19

Like everyone across the world, Scott Equipment has been paying close attention to the news and health recommendations regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19. This pandemic has impacted almost every area of our everyday lives, including operating our laundromats.

While laundromats, and the basic public health services they provide, are a necessity in our communities, there are some good practices for business owners to keep in mind. Scott Equipment and the Coin Laundry Association have gathered several tips for laundry owners to help keep their customers, staff and themselves safe during this period.


Clean and sanitize the laundromat daily. This involves wiping down all washers, dryers, door handles, laundry carts, folding tables, coin changers, etc. several times a day. Be sure to use disinfecting materials, gloves, and washing in one direction to reduce the chance of surface re-contamination.


Provide plenty of soap and hand sanitizer for proper handwashing and post signs encouraging employees and patrons to wash hands often. Per CDC guidelines, sanitizer should contain at least 60% to 95% alcohol and hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.


Restrict the number of patrons in your laundromat and have at least 6 feet of space between laundry folding tables and seats to facilitate social distance. Encourage guests who are ill to stay home.


Advocate best laundry practices with your laundromat customers, including

  • Avoid shaking dirty laundry
  • Use hot water and wash settings (as recommended for specific fabrics)
  • Use the dryer rather than air-drying (as recommended for specific fabrics)


Provide and promote advanced features — like hot water washes, pre-washes, extra rinse cycles, and extended dry cycles — that kills germs and helps customers achieve the best, most sanitary clean.


As more and more businesses are forced to close, the CLA advises that laundry owners and investors contact government officials and request them to designate laundry rooms as “essential service providers” during the outbreak of COVID-19. You can read more here and download the CLA Template.


Require staff that are sick to stay at home. Now is a good time to reassess your sick leave and health policies to ensure they are flexible and consistent with existing guidelines from the CDC and other health organizations.


Consider postponing or canceling special events, such as a laundromat grand opening or free laundry day, and limiting or suspending non-essential services, such as wash-dry-fold, that require extensive person-to-person contact. Currently, it is recommended that activities be restricted to 10 participants or less. Follow official guidelines from the CDC and your local government officials regarding events and closures.

Hopefully, these recommendations help you navigate this unprecedented pandemic. Keep the below resources in mind for additional up-to-date information and resources for laundromat owners and patrons regarding Coronavirus and COVID-19:

Scott Equipment has hand soaps and sanitizers plus a full line of disinfectant products available.  If you have a need for hand soaps, hand sanitizers surface disinfectants or Ozone laundry systems contact the experts at Scott Equipment.